When the very large world became very small, when my world travels were shrunk to one space, when distractions were at a minimum, I returned to simple things: Pens and paper. Paint and scissors and glue. I began these ink and watercolor paintings in Mexico where I observed many bird species on the hillside adjacent to my seaside aerie. I continued the work on my return to Wellfleet, mounting the drawings on birch wood panels as well as making new images of local birds. The isolation of the pandemic, it seems, lit a desire to rise above limited horizons and see the world from altered perspectives. Something birds could do and I could not, except in my imagination. What I learned: in stressful times, birds make me happy.
My watercolor and ink drawings are now for sale on greeting cards, mugs, totes & more. Click HERE to access them on Cafe Press.
And you can order my new book "Tiny Hearts Sing Loud: Birds & Haiku." Just click HERE Thanks!